Articles from April 2012

Amy Walker And 21 English Accents

People ask me which English accent is best to use. Answer: Pick the one you like! When it comes to speaking with different accents, Amy definitely has got talent. However, she needs to work on the Charleston South Carolina accent, still a long way from being „sweet-talking“. I find accent-free English (if there is such […]

Vocabulary: to prove, to control, to approve

This Week’s Lesson German business and technical workers often use the following verbs incorrectly: * to prove means beweisen, and not prüfen. proof means Beweis For prüfen, you can use to check, to inspect or to test. – to approve, which means freigeben or zustimmen and not prüfen. approval means Zustimmung or Freigabe and not Prüfung For prüfen, […]